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for visiting Demuth Photography. I am a freelance photographer and wedding photographer, working in London, Sussex and the south east. I work with business, disability organisations and charities offering lifestyle and corporate photography. I also photograph weddings, family celebrations, portraits, interiors and products.

I am passionate about photography, and at my happiest when out and about with a camera, whether photographing weddings, working for companies or causes I care about or just taking pictures of loved ones, interesting people, fascinating things and the world around me. 

Photography helps us to learn from the past, capture the present and change the future. Photographs record our journey through life and become memories.
paul demuth:

freelance photographer  with over 20 years experience. I am based in Worthing in Sussex on the south coast. I grew up in London and work primarily in London and the south east. I work with digital and film cameras and take natural, honest, engaging photos. It's what I love doing.

wedding photographer  recommended by many top wedding venues in Sussex and London. I try to tell the story of the wedding day and focus on the chemistry between the couple, capturing the magic moments as they happen without holding up proceedings. It's people skills, making couples and guests feel relaxed and being in the right place at the right time.

charity photographer  fully DBS checked working with a number of environmental organisations, national charities, schools, hospitals and many disability groups. I take engaging, positive photos that highlight the things people with disabilities can do, as well as photos that challenge perceptions. It's facilitating change and making people think.

portait photographer  covering everything from artist and business headshots to family portrait sessions. I have portable studio lighting for when required but prefer working with natural light. I prefer the glint in an eye to the cheesy grin. It's the essence of a person caught in an instant.

interior photographer  who works with interior designers, architects, construction companies, property agencies and furniture makers. I take stunning interior and exterior photos and love shooting properties. I can also do 360 degree virtual tours and floor plans. It's having the right lenses and an eye to capture space and light.

product photographer  with an eye for detail. I have access to studio space or portable studio set up for work off site. I am an experienced studio photographer with excellent retouching skills. It's finding the right focus, angles and settings to ensure product shots have impact.

landscape photographer  and I love photographing the countryside, urban landscapes, coastal vistas and big skies. I work with environmental organisations and try to document the changes in our surroundings. I also love visiting new places. It's the changing world we live in.

lifestyle photographer  trying to capture life as it happens around us. It's the little moments and the big moments. It's the natural expression and random acts. It's subtle and instantaneous, but to try to define it is missing the point. It's why I started taking photos, it's why we love photography.

photography blogger  with a much visited photography blog. It's often hard to find the time when you are really busy with work but I try to keep my blog updated with fresh work featuring favourite photos and exploring the world we live in. It's trying to keep people informed.

photography retoucher who has been image editing since the first version of photoshop. I used to work for newspapers, travel companies, printers and creative agencies but now offer retouching through Demuth Photography. It's making the most of what is already there.


music   I need my music, it's the soundtrack to life. I used to play in bands, I still DJ in Worthing, Brighton and London, collect and play vinyl (I only play the good stuff). I am into soul, funk and reggae and I am a collector of Brazilian music. I love watching live bands and photographing concerts.

sport  I am football crazy, still play occasionally and I am a season ticket holder at QPR. I am also a keen swimmer and love swimming in the sea, I cycle frequently (but don't wear lycra) and on Sundays I am often in a muddy field photographing my son who does cyclocross racing. I also do photography for Paralympics UK and I am a wheelchair basketball convert.

family  I have two teenage kids and time spent with them is my favourite thing.

travel  I love seeing places, shooting landscapes, cityscapes and people. I am happy to travel for work and love culture shocks. Send me anywhere different, vibrant, warm or interesting and I am in my element.

disability  I work with disability groups and organisations because I think it is important. I also work at Chailey Heritage when I am not doing photography work, supporting children and young people with severe disabilities. It can be very rewarding and a lot of fun. 

politics  I am fascinated by politics and current affairs. I don't pre-judge, I have a moral compass and support causes I believe in. I love working with environmental groups and taking photos that can make us ask questions about the world we live in.
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